Yep, that's my face

Troy Lamerton

Compassion for friends and foes

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Leaders and leading with compassion, multiplying goodness and diffcult conversations.

Sliding Penguin

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This past week I began a simple game project. I set realistic goals for the sliding penguin game. I wanted to have a double-jump, obstacles of random sizes, and the speed of the sliding increase over time.

Javascript Scope

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One of the most useful datatypes is the array. It is simply an ordered list of values. The big drawcard for arrays is that they can be iterated over. Your code can quickly look at each thing in the array and use it for something.

Empathy and perspective

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Empathy is about understanding another person. Being empathetic means to feel what another person is feeling. The chapter I read this week provided a few ways it claims will increase your empathy. I tried the loving kindness meditation.

Javascript Scope

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Scope is an important concept in programming. Like Russian dolls, there is the largest doll, the global scope that the whole program can use. Inside it can be many smaller dolls, local scopes, with bits only that part of the program can access.

Sustainable happiness

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This week's chapter started by introducing different facets of sustainable and fleeting happiness. Pleasure is the impulisive quick thrill seeking mind...

Grasping and aversion

This chapter "Riding your emotions like a horse", extended from last week's chapter about being aware of one's emotions. It gave me mental tools to deal with triggers as well as explaining the theory behind suffering.

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Punctuating in the Javascript language

Every programming language has a bunch of different grouping characters to tell the computer how to treat a group of code. Here are some of the grouping characters used in Javascript and all their possible uses.

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Self Awareness

Self awareness is another step after mindfulness. Self awareness is being crtically reflective of oneself's emotions, thoughts and actions, understanding oneself without attachment.

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Problem solving (Javascript)

I encountered a simple problem this week while programming the basic movement of the racer game. The move button was definately clicked, the move function was called, but there was an error and the car wouldn't move.

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Javascript Basics

A website without javascript is like a house without electricity. You can walk around the house and it looks nice, but you can't turn any gadgets on, and after a while you'd rather be somewhere else.

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A Mindful Conversation

Today I had a most relaxing conversation. Simply by taking turns to give another person our full attention. I was pleasantly surprised by how much can be learnt by listening without agenda.

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Watching DBC founder elaborate in the US

Wow. Just finished skimming through a founder of DBC answering questions about the curriculum of Dev Bootcamp. It gives me a bit more insight into what's in store for me throughout this journey at Dev Academy in Wellington.

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Emotional Intelligence - Basics

Reading Search Inside Yourself:
Emotional intelligence is predictive of greater work performance and better leadership. The book manages to backup these claims with scientific research.

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Meditation concepts

Before reading the 2nd chapter of Search Inside Yourself, I thought that meditation was about noticing sensations and maintaining a sense of peace, focusing on the breath.

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